Avatar the last airbender episode 2 anime freak
Avatar the last airbender episode 2 anime freak

However, the physical is not the only thing to fear. In the attack the three become separated, and are left to fend for themselves in the swamp. The forest comes and attacks vines reach out and grab them, assailing them from all sides. That very night their suspicions are confirmed that night, just as Sokka lights a fire. Katara and Aang, however, are a little more leery, due to the mysterious nature of the swamp, and the distinct feeling that there's something strange about it. The trio begins to wander through the swamp, Sokka taking the 'whack things with a machete' approach to clear the way. It isn't long until they attract the attention of two hillbilly hunters, who realize that the animals would make some good eating, and use water-bending to propel their canoes in a hunt after them. Eventually they get down to the water-ways, Appa with no choice but to simply swim along. Spear-headed by Momo, the two animals attempt to escape the vines, only for Appa to constantly get re-trapped whenever he attempts to fly. Almost immediately the whirlwind disappears. Separated from the humans, Appa and Momo become trapped in the trees' vines. Trapped in the freak storm, Appa loses control, heading straight for the large banyan swamp beneath the trio falls out, just barely landing in a non-lethal way. Our heroes are peacefully journeying across the Earth Kingdom, flying blissfully along on Appa, when suddenly a whirlwind comes out of nowhere.

avatar the last airbender episode 2 anime freak

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avatar the last airbender episode 2 anime freak

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Avatar the last airbender episode 2 anime freak